My Favorite Herbal Tea

I love having coffee for anytime, all day everyday, even when staying up after way past the midnight.
I make really good (and strong) coffee. Even though I have less tea than coffee, I also like having a nice cup of tea. One of my favorite herbal teas is Licorice Spice Herbal Tea from STASH.
I did not know what licorice was until I met this herbal tea. This tea blend has a natural yet strong sweetness with beautiful spicy flavor. For me, tea and coffee do not need to be caffeine free, but this one is, indeed, a caffeine free one.
Licorice is not common herb in Japan to be used for tea or as an ingredients for snack or food.
It has such an unique scent and sweetness that sugar does not have.

Please do give it a try, if you haven't tried it yet.
