Review by Artist: Kusama Yayoi "Give Me Love" at David Zwirner Gallery

Because it was almost closing date of the exhibition, I finally made it to Kusama Yayoi's , "Give Me Love" , at David Zwirner.

When in NY, I think I need to take the luxury of living in NYC, see what is on the walls and floors in Galleries and museums, as much as staying inside making own works.

The exhibition itself was interesting in a way that people visiting this show seemed to be not interested in looking at or reading each paintings, absolutely not, almost.
People come here to take photos with paintings. 

It is not a negative thing, it was just to me very interesting view. Meaning of each painting or the detail is not important element here at her show, even though I believe there must be meanings for each her paintings. Action or the performance of people coming to the painting for photo shooting was the "love given (given love)" I saw in the show. 

Still, I enjoyed the paintings as well, and I will check out the the obliteration room tomorrow before my work. 
By the way, I cannot get used to see the name in alphabet. 草間弥生 is more natural to me. I think it is because Kanji (Chinese characters used in Japan) is visually unique almost like a picture.

Kusama Yayoi everywhere in Chelsea.
After the exhibition, I walked down the 9th avenue ( ..well I think it was 9th ave.) and found many stickers from Kusama Yayoi exhibition.

草間弥生の展示会の後で、Whitney Museumの方に向かってチェルシー地区を下って歩いていたら、色々な所に草間弥生の跡が残っていたよ。

The exhibition is until June 13, and it is free and open to the public.
ADDRESS…….519 & 525 West 19th Street
HOURS……….Tuesday – Saturday, 10 AM – 6 PM

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