Review by Artist II: Yoko Ono ONE WOMAN SHOW 1960-1971

A note I took about an artwork at Yoko Ono One Woman Show.
The show was filled with people and her historical innovative works, everything was in a fresh condition.
Think, how many fresh and shiny green apples will be up on the pedestal while show goes on.

Painting in three stanzas
1961 / 2015

"It sends when its covered with leaves,
It ends when the leaves wither,
It ends when it turns to ashes,
And a new vine will grow,---------" - Yoko Ono.

A short note from my mind:

we cannot imagine what kind of artwork an artist makes by knowing the artist,

we also cannot understand or know about the artist by looking at and learning artwork the artist creates.

The relationship, the conditional distance between an artwork and the artist, unconditionally exists.

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