Thoughts with On Kawara

I think we can always hit tiny sands first, and gradually move to small stones and to bigger stones, eventually to rocks, and hit the ground.
Most of us though end life before and without leaching shaking the ground. 
It is great to see it while we are alive. 

On Kawara (January 2, 1993 - July 10, 2014) was one of them who saw it while he was alive in creation scene.

Exhibitions will go on with his absence, but it does not matter if he is physically involving or not, does it? 
I think any artists wishes  his/her works to be seen no matter if they are alive or dying. We do not care if someone gets profit  or not, compared to the chances and opportunities  for work and the concept to be taken as a matter.  

Making works, I think is a great action not only because the works remain after the creator's departure, but the people who know the creator stay for while, and people who are influenced by his/her works also stay forever as long as the works are preserved and on view.
