Will A Flower Bloom More Than 10 Years? -Greenpoint Open Studio 2019-

Will A Flower Bloom More Than 10 Years?

That question has been in my mind for this week. 
We know a flower will bloom, as long as the plant or the tree is living. 
We don't really know how long the each unique flower will last.

Have you seen any flower that has bloomed more than 10 years though?

There was greenpoint open studios past weenekd. 
Here is some photos from the Greenpoint Open Studio 2019, this weekend, June 8 and 9. 

Thank you so much for everyone who worked for the GOS, and amazing fellow artists who opened their studios, and people who visited our studios. Thank you for everyone who spend time at my studio. I really enjoyed the time talking with each of you and hope we will meet again sometime soon!

My instagram: @natsumigoldfish
Official Website: www.natsumigoldfish.com
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