Return to New York City & Lost Packages (JP/EN)

Today's Japanese Paladirome (今日の回文): 


Ka Ru I Ki Bi N Na Ko Ne Ko Na N Bi Ki I Ru Ka 
by 土屋耕一

How many light agile kittens are there? 

"The Bath" Oil on Woodpanel, Partial View

Last Year in April I sent 3 large boxes of my personal belongings to NYC, and soon after I send 2 more boxes right before I returned to NYC.
The whole crate that carried my 3 boxes were lost (stolen) at the port in USA and never found until today.

I packed all important items in the first 3 boxes, such as used books (All of them were written in Japanese and out of print) I collected, art supplies that aren't sold in USA, and items that I some grew up with, along with nice winter clothing and shoes which I did not need at that moment. 


There was a set of nearly 200 color pencils in a pencase, that I gradually built collection since kindergarten. When I was a child, I draw characters with them, as I grew I added more colors to the collection to use for my artworks. It will never easy for me to accept the fact that they will never being found and come back to me again one day.

In front of Met Museum when Neue Galerie was closed.

I avoid thinking what were in those boxes, but I cannot help but realize so many things in those boxes that small little things happens in my everyday life make me remember.

実家には使える私物を基本残さないように言われていたので、今回先に送った中にだいたい大事なものが入っていたことになる。 なくなったのがあとに送った2箱だったなら、どんなにかまだ諦めがついたことでしょう。

Sadly the 2 boxes sent in last minutes did not have any thing that were so important compared to the first three boxes. 

I'm so sad to think about those color pecils and Japanese books that probably have no worth for people who robbed the crate. They could have lived and being used much longer.

In front of Met Museum when Neue Galerie was closed.


There are many things I cannot believe or think it could be different in this country, 
But in any country, there is a good part that attracts people's mind, there will be a bad part that the people experience as much as the same weight.



After about one year, I finally started to be able to think, there were in the box that I could still find. I started to re-collect those books from books that I remember.

So let's test how many books I can remember, shall we?
Many of them are out of print, and there is no record of purchase history I can look up unlike online shopping.

From "A Letter to Momo"

最近観た映画といえば、昨日観た『ももえの手紙』という2012年に公開された、沖浦 啓之のアニメーション映画が素晴らしかった。どことなく、要所要所で「崖の上のポニョ」や「ミヨリの森」を思い出させるような作品だけれど、物語の内容は全く異なるので、未だ観ていない人は是非探して観てみて欲しいなと思う。

There is a movie that I recently watched and I was really moved. It is titled "A Letter to Momo"(2012) It is a Japanese animation movie. If you haven't watched, I highly recommend. A Letter to Momo from time to time made me think of a movie "Ponyo", and also "Miyori No Mori (2007), although the story is different. The movie is directed and animated by Hiroyuki Okiura, he also worked as a key animator for movies like "Kiki's Delivery Service", "Paprika", and "Your Name".

沖浦 啓之は前回紹介した「百日紅」や、その他にも「魔女の宅急便」や「思い出のマーニ」や「パプリカ」や「君の名は。」など有名な作品で原画を担当している。

私はそんな映画を傍に途中何度も大泣きしながら昨晩も小さな作品を一つ完成させた。映画は、その受け手に通づるものがあればあるほど心を動かされるでしょう。私はこの映画に心を乱される大きな理由があって、だからそれのない他の人が見たときにどんな感動を得るのか予言できるわけではないけれども、ただこの作品はどんな人間にとっても見る価値のある作品だと思う。 I cried for many times because of the movie while I was painting a small work at night. Weather if a movie would make someone move or not probably depends on if the person have similar experiences or not for this type of movie. I do not know if people who do not share anything with the characters in the story would be attracted to it as much as I did, but still this movie is worth to check it out if you have not.

From "Little House on the Prairie"

Today a Japanese lady said to me I look like girls from the “Little House on the Prairie”. 

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