On My Heart, Iced Coffee Beans, my right before summer
We can fall in love with anything in the world.
It is not only another person that we may deeply fall in love with.
The other day I stopped by at local coffeehouse for a cup of iced coffee for the first time this year.
This place's coffee is not my very favorite, but I stop by here sometimes since my favorite coffee shop near here ran out their business.
Every spring when I start making iced coffee, I start to think again about iced coffee beans.
Why does every coffee shop make iced coffee with iced coffee beans?
It is strange. It is difficult to find a cup of iced coffee that grabs my heart, even most of my favorite cafes serve miserable iced coffee with"Iced Coffee Beans"
I know that they must know how to make a good iced coffee in their heart.
There are so many things in this world that I do not understand why.
I should get back to my painting.