Exhibition Archive & Review by Artist: Manet/Degas MET Museum 2024

Manet/Degas MET Museum 2024

A new year has started and there have been many things I have been trying to organize and get done. 

It was an Instagram story this time that helped me  not to miss this exhibition which was closing in a few days. I wanted to visit this exhibition when it opened because there were some paintings from France coming, but then time flew by and I forgot about it until it was closing in a few days. I think I should thank friends who are sharing exhibitions they visited on sns because without the story post I missed this exhibition. But there was one painting I especially wanted to see, I don't know how but I missed it. Maybe it wasn't the right timing for me to meet it. 

I actually found a picture of a painting I took that was supposed to be right next to the painting I wanted to see. So this means..., what does this mean? Maybe, it in real life wasn't as good as I imagined and so it didn't stop me.

There are paintings and etchings I like from Degas, I think overall I favor Manet over Degas for their major paintings. Matet has great sense in the use of black in his paintings. Also some paintings Matet made included windows and I like those works of his because of my interest in windows. Degas is great with his self-portrait, and also I can relate to him with his interest in bathing and hair of women. In this exhibition often we will see similar works by these two artists next to each other and most of the time when I compare I prefered Matet over Degas. But this exhibition made me understand why I have mixed up some paintings of one artist as another artist's because they had very close friendship. It's very interesting and I feel rare though that they are born only two years apart and from similar Parisian upper class and found themselves as painters. I don't have any childhood friends as far as I can think of in the art world today.

There are always many people in the museum in NYC and many of them are visiting with others. It is a good date stop and also a good place to gather with friends and exchange ideas which I sometimes enjoy too. But for me if I really try to see art, then I need to go by myself.  How about you? Have you ever been to a museum alone?

These days special exhibitions at the Met have many visitors that have separate timed tickets and wait to see them. When I visited, there was approximately 130 min wait (but actual wait was shorter than it was said). As usual this archive is text focused. Pictures are listed mostly chronological order I took.

I like black in this painting by Edgar Degas Degas. To me Manet does better with black but this one is as good as Manet. 

Literally, Everyone takes pictures of this cat when they see it. 

A Beautiful painting by Edgar Degas, I liked this one the best from him for his painting with horses in this exhibition. 

Official Writing about the exhibition from Metropolitan Museum Of Art Website:

 "This exhibition examines one of the most significant artistic dialogues in modern art history: the close and sometimes tumultuous relationship between Édouard Manet and Edgar Degas. Born only two years apart, Manet (1832–1883) and Degas (1834–1917) were friends, rivals, and, at times, antagonists who worked to define modern painting in France. By examining their careers in parallel and presenting their work side by side, this exhibition investigates how their artistic objectives and approaches both overlapped and diverged.

Through more than 160 paintings and works on paper, Manet/Degas takes a fresh look at the interactions of these two artists in the context of the family relationships, friendships, and intellectual circles that influenced their artistic and professional choices, deepening our understanding of a key moment in nineteenth-century French painting."-Metropolitan Museum of Art

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