Counting leaves that are there, Collecting leaves that were there

I thought I was missing only two packages in the ocean but it was actually three.

One says it is shipped out on April 5th, the other side says it is still waiting to be shipped out. In the between there is the ocean. If two sides are honest and knowing their business well, then the chance is blue.

So who is responsible for the ocean that seems to love my belongings?

The dolphins.

This has been taking my mind to ocean which I don't know, which I have seen in movies, which I read in picture books, which I saw one day with someone.

For a few days now, I am deadly dying for the strange sickness.

My bike tire was flat and damaged this morning so I had to leave it on Metropolitan avenue.

My tree is also not doing well and I am worried.

I am collecting fallen leaves of the tree in a cup.
If they became soil someday that would make me happy.

A few days ago, I adopted an old video camera

Kind of like the video version of the toy camera.

Last night a new friend game me a new fan and some other things.

It seems like it is always somebody's cleaning day of their art studio these days.

It is the last day of June, it is the first day of July.

People who make my breakfast when I am at studio is taking day off.