The Borrowed Cats

"It's like a borrowed cat."
"If they don't feel they belong there, that means they don't belong there. "
We just need to wait, wait until the cat decides that the space belong to them. "

Working at an art gallery gives me interesting ideas that I haven't thought of when I was only making work. 

When the cats decide to belong to the space, they start to present themselves.
We are also comfortable too to see them there.
The cat will finally show us their unique personality if they like the place.
 If one shows off, some would reveals gradually.

On their own the work will get attention of us regardless of if their intention.

we and then have to have some kind of opinions as response.
Adore them, or hate them.  Although they pretend not caring the response at all,
they are conscious cats. 

Though history, many masters who were crazy for making have had cats around. 
